
Bohol Travelogue

Text and Photos Copyright © 2004 by Angelica Viloria. All Rights Reserved.
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To Bohol! To Bohol! (Nov 5, 2004)
"Where have I been? To Bohol, that's where. Am sure you've read about the trip from the hubby's side but please visit regularly starting next week to get every detail about the vacation."

view of clouds and wing of Cebu Pacific Air lamp with pearl necklace adi and ali hugging

To Bohol - Really! (Nov 9, 2004)
"Tagbilaran City is an hour and a half away from Manila. Both Cebu Pacific and Philippine Airlines fly to Tagbilaran City, although both quite early in the morning -- Cebu Pacific at 7:15am and PAL at 8am. I wish they could have better-timed flights and more frequent ones at that."

Beachfront, Alona Palm Beach, Noon Beachfront, Alona Palm Beach, Morning Alona Palm Dining Area Alona Palm Swimming Pool

Alona Palm Beach Resort and Restaurant (Nov 10, 2004)
"Welcome to Alona Palm, baby. You're so pretty... That's the greeting my 3-year old daughter Ali got upon reaching Alona Palm Beach Resort and Restaurant. We were welcomed by friendly Alona Resort staff, complete with shell necklaces for all, cold face towels, and pineapple juice. After our experience at the hot and crowded airport, the juice and the face towels were indeed very welcome."

Blood Compact Monument

Blood Compact Site in Bohol (Nov 11, 2004)
"We left the resort at about 9am. It was a whole day tour and we had a van all to ourselves. Our first stop was the Blood Compact Site."

Tower beside Baclayon Church

Baclayon Church in Bohol (Nov 12, 2004)
"Baclayon Church is the oldest church in Bohol, dating back to 1596. Its present structure, however, as it stands, started in 1727. The church has been run by Jesuits and Agustinians, with Frs. Sanchez and Torres as the very first parish priests."

To a Hospital in Carmen, Bohol (Nov 17, 2004)
"Didn't think too much of Ali's fall in the bathroom in Baclayon until she fell asleep a few minutes after in the van and then threw up. Before that, she was her usual talkative self so I really was not worried. When she became sleepy and threw up though, I remembered her fall so I thought it best to have her checked by a doctor."

Bolo making

Nipa Palms and Bolo-Making in Lo-Ay Bohol (Nov 19, 2004)
"Have you ever seen nipa palm plantations? I have not, previously so it was very interesting and different to see clusters of nipa palms, one after the other in a place called Lo-ay. Lo-ay, in fact, refers to leaves swaying or dancing in the wind."

View of many Chocolate Hills Family pic near a Chocolate Hill

The Chocolate Hills in Bohol (Nov 24, 2004)
"According to our tour guide Jinggay, the best time to see the Chocolate Hills would be in summer when they really look chocolate-y."

Tarsier on a tree

Tarsier Reserve in Bohol (Nov 26, 2004)
"See tarsiers up close in this place. The tarsier is the smallest primate/mammal in the world and they eat insects (so are they called insectivores?)."

View of Loboc River Banca on Loboc River Lunch on a boat, Loboc River

The Loboc River Cruise in Bohol (Nov 30, 2004)
"This, I think, was my favorite activity in Bohol. What was supposed to be lunch on a boat started at 3pm for us, what with our sidetrip to the hospital, the rains, and all. Our guide tells us that the best time to visit the river is in summer when the water is clear and not during the rainy season when it is greenish."

Candles in Dauis Church

Carlos P. Garcia and Dauis Church in Bohol (Dec 6, 2004)
"The house of President Carlos P. Garcia (don't forget the "P" lest you confuse him with another Carlos Garcia), former president of the Republic of the Philippines, has been turned into a museum of sorts. Going around the house, I found out that he was also formerly governor and congressman too."

Sunrise at Alona Palm Beach Tagbilaran Airport, Cebu Pacific Air

Bohol, Etc., Etc. (Dec 13, 2004)
"Just wanted to list down a few more things that we learned about Bohol during our visit there this year..."