Thursday, April 21, 2011

People want to have more money, have a passive income, or simply become wealthy. How? Try observing those who have already achieved financial independence. [more]

Posted by Manuel [Money Summit & Wealth Expo Tips]

Do you live near the White Plains, Quezon City area and would like FREE delivery of Crystal Clear drinking water? [more]

Posted by Manuel [Crystal Clear Drinking Water]

BlueWater Day Spa launches the first and only spa theater in the country. [more]

Posted by Manuel [BlueWater Day Spa Theater]

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Got my anti flu shots recently, and gathered some tips from Dr. J. N. Tomas in the process. [more]

Posted by Manuel [Anti Flu Shot]

Finally, the traditional Holy Week prayer or Pasyon is online. [more]

Posted by Manuel [Holy Week Pasyon Online]