First Day Of School

Most of the schools in the Philippines will begin classes on June 16, while others begin today. You can almost see it in the eyes of kids -- summer is over. Adi tries to put up a brave front even though he knows there'll be some serious curbing of TV-time, but I guess it helps that he does enjoy school. To some extent. Heh.

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Here's a poem by R. Wayne Edwards:
First Day Of School

Do you remember your first day of school? The scent of clean erasers and fresh notebooks, the prickly excitement of newly-sharpened pencils, the pride of owning your first ballpen. You also remember the kid with the frog's eyes, the one who didn't want his or her parents to leave. Is there anything else you remember about that day..?

Do you remember the many choices you had, and the decisions you made? That roads that forked and the paths you took?

And isn't it funny how, no matter which way you turned or which direction you ran, you still find yourself here, today, exactly where you're supposed to be.

Sometimes, it feels like the first day of school. And it gets unnerving knowing you need to make certain choices. Thankfully, you know deep inside that no matter what happens, you'll be able to handle it:

Shareware Amateurs vs. Shareware Professionals by Steve Pavlina of Dexterity Software -- "The professional, on the other hand, has internalized thoughts of security and abundance. The professional believes that no matter what happens, s/he'll be able to handle it. The professional doesn't cling to a comfort zone. When faced with change, s/he embraces it, seeks out the hidden opportunities, and charges boldly ahead. This isn't to say that professionals never feel fear; they do. The difference is that professionals turn and face their fears instead of shrinking from them."

Ah, can't wait for the second day of school... ;-)

And if you miss the thrill of meeting new friends on the first day of school, check out:
[ First posted on 06/09/2003 by Manuel Viloria ]

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