How To Find Niche Markets

Finding niche markets can be a profitable internet e-commerce strategy. Here are tips on how to discover those niche markets using both online and offline or "real world" methods.

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1. Watch TV (i.e., infomercials); listen to the radio.
2. Visit magazine stands; read various newspapers.
3. Keep abreast of news on showbiz, technology, gadgets/cellphones.
4. Visit bars and restaurants, meet people and find out what topics interest them.
5. Talk to your young nephews and nieces, listen and figure out what they're passionately interested in.
6. Visit malls and ask about competitive games (i.e., card trading games)
7. Walk around and look for crowds milling excitedly around something.
8. Go to junk shops and observe what people are looking for (i.e., service manuals of old audio equipment)
9. Talk to your parents and find out what things they were interested in when they were thirty- or forty-something adults.
10. Scan the newspapers for new advertisements that may signify a trend (i.e., increased interest in a sport such as badminton)
11. Visit and see which Merchants have high earnings.

Google Ads will help you check if there's significant interest in your targetted niche market, and if that interest will eventually translate to revenues for you.

You could also make use of Overture's Keyword Suggestion Tool and/or Wordtracker to check demand for keywords related to your potential niche markets.

Here are some phrases to search for at Overture or Wordtracker:
where find
where buy
where get

It really helps, though, to get away from the computer and connect with lots of other people (i.e., on the streets, in the office, at school). Observe, listen, interact and discover those nearby niche markets.

[ First posted on 07/22/2004 by Manuel Viloria ]

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