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Children's Books Recommended by Adi

one bright kid exposed to books at an early age Hello! I'm Adi, a two-year old kid who loves books (even if some books are already at the ages 4 - 8 reading level). Here is a listing of books for children which have helped me (and my parents) prepare me for bed, learn new words, speak early, and stimulate all the types of intelligence found in people. Yes, there are many types so it's a good idea to tap all these areas (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic).

But enough of the geek speak. Here are the books I enjoyed in particular. Who knows? Maybe your loving mommy and daddy can get these books from for you (just click on the bookcover). You might enjoy it too, and the modest referral fees Amazon will give my parents will help keep this site FREE. I won't know who your parents are, but thank you for supporting this site.

Happy reading!

Bedtime Books of Adi

Here are the usual books I ask my mommy and daddy to read to me at bedtime. No, there's no logic in the choice of books. Hearing them read out loud to me simply helps me sleep. Besides, I really just enjoy snuggling and cuddling with my parents.

cover of book Sleep Tight (Sesame Street) features Adi's favorite character, Elmo. The book shows how other Sesame Street grouches, monsters, and birds prepare for bed. This doesn't put Adi to sleep right away. Call it an appetizer, if you will....
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cover of book Goodnight, Elmo (Sesame Street) comes with a battery-operated, Mr. Moon, nightlight which automatically shuts off after a few seconds. You'll probably have to switch it on again in the middle of your story (which won't take too long to read considering there are only six pages). Elmo can't sleep and hops on a moonbeam. He wins a race with a shooting star, goes jumping about, then finally gets tired and falls asleep. In the last page, parents can whisper the ending lines. The nightlight goes out a second time and, like Elmo, kids fall asleep too.
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