Thursday, July 1, 2004

When a person gets sick in the Philippines, he or she is cared for in a special Filipino way. [more]

Posted by Manuel [Philippine Culture and Illness (Paraig)]

If you work in two places such as your home and your office, you might consider getting an external hard disk or a USB Hard Drive. A notebook will do well, but sometimes a desktop offers a more robust solution. I've seen quite a number of busted notebooks because these get moved around a lot, so getting a smaller and lighter yet portable hard disk may prove more useful and cost-efficient. [more]

Posted by Manuel [USB Hard Drive (External Hard Disk)]

Adi sometimes has difficulty opening jars. Even those red rubber sheets don't always work, and sometimes the bottle contents spill. That is, if you even manage to get the jar open in the first place. No wonder lots of people are looking for the Black and Decker Jar Opener. [more]

Posted by Manuel [Black and Decker Jar Opener]

Ali was discharged from the hospital yesterday. [more]

Posted by Manuel [Ali Is Back Home]