Squidoo Affiliate Destruction

Karl Pemberton releases Squidoo Affiliate Destruction, a 164-page ebook that shows you how to use Squidoo lenses to gain higher search engine visibility and earn affiliate marketing commissions.

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The main thing you need to keep in mind when reading these types of ebooks is that the basic building block of any successful website is content.

Even if you are able to attract visitors, or use tips and techniques designed to grab traffic away from other sites and funnel it instead to your site, or even if you use the latest Web 2.0 tricks to divert a flood of traffic to your blog or Squidoo lens, you still need to have content.

Who says making money online is easy, right? Well, who else but those who have built a network of content-rich sites. By content-rich, I'm referring to quantity, not quality. Don't misunderstand me, though. I'm not saying the quality is extremely low; I'm saying the quality isn't exactly that stellar.

Going back to the discussion, you might find yourself among the many folks who want to earn money online, grab all those make money ebooks, and then fizzle out when they find themselves unable or uncommitted enough to produce the needed CONTENT.

What does this have to do with Karl Pemberton's Squidoo Affiliate Destruction? Since he focuses mainly on Squidoo lenses, you can reasonably guess that a considerable amount of attention must be given to the basic content-building blocks of Squidoo.

In other words, Squidoo Modules.

There are many kinds of Squidoo modules, and each type affects search engine robots differently. For example, some modules contain frequently updated content that search bots are able to recognize. If you place such modules in your own Squidoo lens, then Google will see your lens as a frequently changing web page, and may correspondingly send the search bot your way more often.

And what do you do with the traffic that your lens pages attract? One strategy would be to invite those people to subscribe to your mailing list. That way, even if Squidoo disappears one day, you'll still be able to keep in touch with the folks who landed on your lens pages.

In other words, if you choose to use Squidoo lens pages to earn affiliate commissions, get ready to write content, find appropriate affiliate products, set-up autoresponder mailing lists, and write advertising copy that prepares your prospects for the salespage of online merchants.

Most of these you can outsource (i.e., autoresponder set-up and programming). The crucial activity lies in writing the content of your Squidoo lens. Lots of folks conveniently throw the "outsource" recommendation around, but in the field of article writing, outsourcing is easier said than done.

If you are the kind of person who enjoys writing, and has access to techie friends who can help you with the non-writing/technical stuff, then Squidoo Affiliate Destruction is something you might want to take a look at, because it's by someone who has tried (and seen the decline of) Adsense earnings and other make money online methods.

[ First posted on 07/31/2008 by Manuel Viloria ]

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