Vote Switching?

With the Philippine Presidential Elections looming (May 10), I have some friends switching their votes from Raul Roco to Gloria Arroyo. Here's why...

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They're afraid of an FPJ Presidency, so...
"Let's vote for someone who has the best chance of beating FPJ!"

Uh... how sure are you that FPJ has a high chance of being elected in the first place?

To my friends who "really like Roco" but will vote for Gloria Arroyo "if only to stop FPJ from becoming President" -- what will you do if the final results show Arroyo and Roco in the first and second positions, and FPJ in a far-away fourth?

* * *

I asked a taxi driver recently whom he would vote for, and he was still choosing between FPJ and Ping Lacson. His objective -- get GMA out of Malacañang. He will support whoever is stronger between FPJ and Ping. My question: "How can you tell who's stronger?"

That question silenced him rather quickly. All he could say was: "Yan ang magandang tanong." (That's a beautiful good question.)

* * *

Folks, please choose whom you really want as President.

One blogger is worth ten votes – Harvard man

Former software developer Dave Winer has worked out that one weblogger is worth ten ordinary voters, and he revealed the results of his complex calculations to Wired this week.

This Friday, I'll post what I think will be the final ranking of the presidentiables. Stay tuned!

[ First posted on 05/05/2004 by Manuel Viloria ]

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